The renowned mother-and-son duo, Carme Ruscalleda and Raül Balam share the recipe for a beautiful quail egg and caviar tartlet served at their two-Michelin-starred restaurant, Moments, set within the Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona.

Within an opulent dining room in the heart of Barcelona, chefs Carme Ruscalleda and Raül Balam serve an extraordinary selection of dishes at their two-Michlin-starred restaurant Moments. The Les Dîners de Gala-themed tasting menu takes inspiration from Salvador Dalí’s cookbook while incorporating standout Catalan flavours and produce. One of the stellar creations is the quail egg and caviar tartlet, which the duo have shared the recipe for below…

For the Tartlet Shell


  • Brick pastry dough
  • Olive oil
  • Salt


  1. Line a tartlet tin with a thin layer of brick pastry.
  2. Drizzle over some olive oil and season with salt.
  3. Place another mould ontop and bake in the oven until crisp and golden brown.

For the Quail Eggs


  • 3 quail eggs


  1. Steam the eggs at 65ºC for 25 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat but keep the shell on – only peel the shell off just before service.

For the Leek Cream


  • 50g leek
  • 500g cream
  • 20g soy sauce
  • 20g chopped chives
  • oil
  • salt
  • black and white pepper


  1. Cut the white part of the leek into a brunoise.
  2. Confit the leek with salt and pepper until soft.
  3. Once the confit is done, add the cream and reduce it by half. Add a pinch of white pepper but not any salt.
  4. Once reduced by half, add the soy sauce, and cook for 2 minutes.
  5. Once cool, blend and pass through a sieve. Taste and season with salt if necessary.
  6. Add the chopped chives.

To Plate


  • Tartlet shell
  • 3 quail eggs
  • Leek cream
  • Chervil
  • Riofrío caviar


  1. On the base of the tartlet, put the cream.
  2. Place three beautifully laid quail eggs on top.
  3. Place three quenelles of 10 gr of Riofrío caviar next to the eggs.
  4. Garnish with sprigs of beautifully placed chervil.

Recipe courtesy of Carme Ruscalleda and Raül Balam of Moments restaurant at Mandarin Oriental, Barcelona

Sourced From: https://www.four-magazine.com/recipes/caviar-and-quail-egg-tartlet/

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